caltrans CA California department of transportation
project map
my current location sometimes not work, sometime it works, I see it works, but on and off, it not work.
This button is very important to public user, because public user usually want to see. what project around their house.
Not surprise, I have see this kind of on and off things happen on HRSA's GIS website. Last time I fix this kind of issue by enforce async. But this time maybe different. Overall the root cause is because of how ESRI's design the javascript API system. The way ESRI's design is very easy to cause such issue. You have to be very careful to avoid this issue.
Here is why it not working, this error message should never happen to ensure good user experience.
It actually happen quite often in this case. But some time it works. This is the nature of on and off issue rooted from ESRI's api design. You have to fix this kind of issue.
From the error message, I believe the cause is time out time too short. Which is 3 sec, it could be ESRI's default setting.
To fix this issue, I would try to increase timeout time from 3 to maybe longer time such as 30 sec to make sure all user covered.
This is not browser issue, I test same layer with my own tool, no such issue.
It is likely this app issue, cause current location button freeze or other reason.¢er_lat=33.9279872¢er_long=-117.6076288¢er_zoom=11&