without Esri License, without sign in Arcgis-Online

All ESRI map viewer are for public user to use, 

no need to sign in arcgis online.

The only difference is after you sign in your arcgis online account, you can save your edited map to your organization's account. 

Without sign in to any organization, the save button is disabled grey out, you can't save your map to anywhere. 






1. ESRI's latest map viewer 

Build with 4th generation Arcgis javascript api V4.x


Warning: has not fixed bugs, but you may not encounter them.

if you interested, I have document some of bugs that I found ESRI has not fix yet. Search 'bug'


1. 1 How to use ESRI's map viewer









2. ESRI's  ( classic ) map viewer 

Build with 3rd generation Arcgis javascript api V3.x



2. 1 How to use classic map viewer











3. ESRI web app viewer

Build with 3rd generation Arcgis javascript api V3.x


Warning:  here only refer to build-in version of Web appbuilder, not the developer edtion with custom widget. Developer edition must runs on your own web server( IIS or apache )


3. 1 You need copy and paste your app id here, https://www.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=xxxxx












4. ESRI Experience viewer

Build with 4th generation Arcgis javascript api V4.x




Warning:  here only refer to build-in version of Experience Builder, not the developer edtion with custom widget.Developer edition must runs on your own web server( IIS or apache )


You must know your experience app ID, then append to this URL at the end 

https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/.     + your experience app ID




A list of build-in version of experience builder sample 






Where to find ESRI map ?

Option 1:   

google search   "your city name" + "arcgis rest service"   


Option 2: 

Joseph Elfelt, seattle, WA  creator of  https://mappingsupport.com/   collect inital 1k towards 5k now arcgis rest service api endpoint over last 20+ years, you can download his list for free in PDF format here:





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