Note: You can't download point of interest (Known as common place) from any of below agencies. POI will be discuss in another topic.
Federal address database is made of submission of each county. Option 1 and Option 2 origin from same source, which is county assessor office.
The difference is, county assessor office produce raw data monthly, which is not follow NG911 NENA standard. Federal Agency collect all these raw data from submission of county, reformat the field name and length combine into a single giant national database which you can download in one zip file.
Which one has latest data ?
County has.
How frequently does Federal agency reflect the change affect the freshness of their data.
Some county delay the submitssion to Federal agency, you would not get fresh data that month from Federal agency.
option 1.
Download from Federal agency

Note: Federal address database follow this NENA standard
National Emergency Number Association (NENA) - Learn more about NG9-1-1.
option 2.
Download from County, some county don't have address point, go to option 3.
This address comply ng911 standard
option 3.
Download parcel layer from County, use centroid function to generate center point against each parcel polygon to get point layer.
This parcel based address does not comply ng911 standard, but you could manually process it to let it comply NENA standard.
this picture reveal the difference between option 2 and 3.
blue circle is option 2. green dot is option 3. This big parking lot has multiple parcels, only 1 parcel has address, if you get address from option 3, you will see lots of address point don't have address number.