Have you heard these names Arcgis Online, Enterprise portal, arcgis hub, arcgis opendata, keep going, and so on.......
Confusing ?????? keep reading, at the end of this reading, you will no longer confusing !
concept 1.
ESRI have single one product named "enterpris-portal".
I refer to portal as short name.
all those confusing name you heard is variant deployment of this single product.
concept 2.
When portal deployed on ESRI server.
It was called Arcgis-Online, some one call it AGOL.
These portal URL always have same pattern:
palmspringsca is organization-short-name

victorville is organization-short-name

lacounty is organization-short-name

concept 3.
When portal deployed not on ESRI server. Deploy on your self server room. It was called Enterprise-portal. They are the same things as arcgis-online, but different depolyment.
Youself hosted portal URL is always have same pattern:
<your-government-domain>/portal-web-adaptor(portal as default)/home
is what you typically see.
gis.la-quinta.org is your-government-domain
portal is your portal-web-adaptor

gis1.victorvilleca.gov is your-government-domain
portal is your portal-web-adaptor

gisnexus.palmspringsca.gov is your-government-domain
portal is your portal-web-adaptor

concept 4.
hub, opendata, are a website inside of portal (you could have multiple, as much as you like hub site in single one portal)
Again, depending on where your portal deployed, on Esri server or youself server room? Hub site could have 2 kinds.
concept 5.
Hub site hosted on ESRI server, always have same pattern
<your-hub-site-name> - <your-organization-short-name>.hub.arcgis.com
egis is your-hub-site-name
lacounty is your-organization-short-name

Opendata is same as hub, initially ESRI call it opendata, later, ESRI change name to hub, they are exactly the same things regardless the name is different
Opendata site hosted on ESRI server, always have same pattern
<your-hub-site-name> - <your-organization-short-name>.opendata.arcgis.com
opengis is your-hub-site-name
victorville is your-organization-short-name

concept 6.
Hub site hosted on yourself server, always have same pattern
gis1.victorvilleca.gov is your-government-domain
covportal is your-hub-site-name