3700 Arcgis server list curated by 

Joseph Elfelt  @  MappingSupport.com.

Joseph Elfelt collect 3000+ arcgis rest service api endpoint over last 10+ years, you can download his list for free in PDF here


His website is here https://mappingsupport.com/   

Below 3700 list is using his list in 2021, he actively updating this list

I am working with him to try to create a web page let user directly access transparentgov's arcgis viewer from his website these arcgis server list.





Click here open in a new tab ( https://... )  

 Do not support http:// , only support https://type of client server.

* If your browser such as safari auto enforce SSL https://  connection, you have to use other such as chrome to allow http:// connection.

Click here open in a new tab ( http://... )   support both type http:// and https://    client server

* below is https:// 






Get live status

* for accurate result, click http:// link, below use https://. If your browser such as safari auto enforce SSL https:// connection, you have to use other such as chrome to allow http:// connection.





To update mySQL db, must add  localdomain=1








Arcgis server list curated by 

Joseph Elfelt  @  MappingSupport.com.

If you want add your arcgis server to this list please email him   

For no patient, copy and past your arcgis server URL at here




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