Do not use experience builder if you want to customize it. 

Use experience builder only if you plan to use out of box widget and never plan to upgrade.

external production



Above GIS app use experience builder is locked to the version it has now. A few moment, ESRI released 1.20, you downloaded 1.20, All you previous customization work, customized layout, customized widget will all be gone!.  You will have to repeat the customization work all over again.  Then you might forget how you did it in 6 month ago, then your upgrade to 1.20 will end to failure.

That is why I say, this app (with experience builder) is "AS IS" now. No way to upgrade unless you completely re-do all the customization work all over again on downloaded newer version.  

Then ESRI release new experience builder to fix bugs frequently. Then you never catch up the steps of ESRI. You will always fall behind with unfixed bugs.  












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