As of today, MOST(if not all) of hrsa gis app does not have "paging" .  You may see some fake page number, but really isn't works


So many feature dataset has 50k feature will get the arcgis server  stroked .  It will instantly kill user's browser(freezing, not responsing).  

Arcgis server was stroked because of too many data was pulled from arcgis server at same time

To avoid frequently stroked arcgis server, you should use  "paging".  Each page has 10  records, you have many pages. Each time only load 1 page, only 10 records. The "paging" design will place very little impact on arcgis server's computing power. 

 Big performance difference if arcgis server each time provide user 10 records compare to 50000 records .

Let's look at this real example, it has 3270 records. hrsa gis app load all data at all time, bad design, the developer does not have the idea of performance impact, does not have the idea of "paging". Now causing the problem, hrsa user complaining sometime it freezing, stroking. Because the whole design is in faulty. You have to completely create a new system with "paging" to fix this problem. You can't just add "paging" to existing system.  So I say, all of these hrsa app is "AS IS", no way to fix them, unless you want to completely re-design with"paging" in mind.


Hrsa gis developer set arcgis server max return count as 5000 ! I saw some hrsa web service set max returning count as 50000 !!! This is equal to suicide, they intend to stroke their arcgis server.  No surprise hrsa user frequently complaining arcgis server is not responsing.  I have try to reduce the arcgis server max return count from 50000 to 500 for them.   Their gis app will broken instantly. Only load 500 feature, user complaining they used to be able to export 50000 record to excel, now only export 500 records to excel, so I change back from 500 to 50000. 

Now I realized, you can't just change arcgis server max return count to fix this issue, their gis  app don't have paging, max return count must larger than actually total feature count. These GIS app has design fault from the foundation, no cure. Just "AS IS" until re-build with paging system.










What is paging looks like?

This is same web service same data source, I designed with "paging"  system, each time only load 10 feature, with 300 pages. Big difference compare to hrsa gis app 

Classified paging

search result also can do paging

What about non-paging looks like?

Where to find these paging sample?


ESRI recommended default is 1000 or 2000, if your arcgis server is slow, then you should reduce this number to 500

Lots of hrsa gis web service set this number from 5000 to 20000 to cover the total feature count, resulting arcgis server stroking frequently. This is suicide your arcgis server. Why they doing that? Because all of their gis app don't have "paging", they have to set this number to cover total feature count. Otherwise their gis app will not function as only export 500 feature to excel as I mentions before.,returned%20in%20a%20single%20request.



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