Where to download parcel owner


Download latest secured-roll text file from San Bernadino County assessor office 




username: covgis1

password: xxxxxxxxxxxx



Step 1

This is Arcgis online website created by San Bernadio County Assessor office. Hosted on ESRI arcgis.com domain.  You must login to your arcgis online account which SB county assessor GIS team has previouly created account for you after you pay $55.


Without login to San Bernadino County Arcgis online, you only get free version of it. This free version only have parcel owner name, do not have owner mailing address, means you can't contact owner. 

In order to get owner mailing address, you have to pay $55 to assessor office, see my other post about how to get paid version of parcel owner





Step 2

Do not confused with https://arc.sbcounty.gov/property-information/

This is county's own server, county's website, has nothing to do with ESRI. Its domain is sbcounty.gov, even they use "arc.xxxx.xxx" but still has nothing to do with ESRI. You don't need to login to ESRI arcgis online account to download secured roll here. 

However, be aware of this free version don't have owner mailing address, means you can't contact owner. 










Step 3

download the latest secure roll
















Step 4

this is arcgis online page with signed in arcgis online account, click download button








Step 5

downloaded secure roll csv file is here








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