warning: every year need re-issue certificate










install new certificate on node.js



1. where to find private key?






1.1 cPanel > SSL > PRIVATE KEYS generate, view, upload or delete your private keys






1.2  so many private key, which one is the new one I just installed?









1.3 find the new certificate ID, then you will know which private key should use. Each certficate include private key and public key pair  






1.4 based on certificate ID, I know this private key  is what I am looking for





1.5 copy private key, paste and replace it in node.js app




1.6 node.js , update private key by paste here






2. where is my public certificate



2.1 Cpanel > SSL > CRT










2.3 copy public certificate (key)



2.4 paste in node.js app




2.5 upload node.js to server, done. New certificate is showing



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