1. from portal server setting page


 citygis1 gis1 are both CName A record used as subdomain 

citygis1point to arcgis server install machine

gis1 point to web adaptor install machine






2. why arcgis server manager use citygis1 while arcgis server us gis1

Isn't arcgis server manger and arcgis server is on same machine? Arcgis server manager and server isn't same thing? Should use same subdomain name, same URL?


 citygis1 gis1 are both CName A record used as subdomain 

citygis1point to arcgis server install machine

gis1 point to web adaptor install machine









2.1 why gis1, is because you acces arcgis server through web adaptor, web adaptor is gis1, also web adaptor don't have port number 6443. Web adaptor is gis1, does not installed on the same machine as arcgis server. 








2.2 why citygis1, because citygis1 point to actual arcgis server install machine, citygis1 is not through web adaptor, to access arcgis server manager you need open a path directly to server install machine also and always with port number 6443 for secure SSL access, this is defined by ESRI, you can't change port number 6443 to others




2.3 access arcgis server manager and arcgis server admin directory is called administrative access, you must access via direct machine access with secure port number 6443. You can't use web adaptor for administrative access.  In other words, you can only use citygis1 direct machine name with port 6443 to access both server manager and server admin directory. You can't use gis1 web adaptor to access any of manger or admin directory.





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