California's giant stoberry has no flavor.

California's giant grape has 
no flavor.

Celery is giant, eggplant is giant, but no flavor.

I grow up in 1970s china. China don't have fertilizer and pesticide back then. I know what flavor food should have.

Why American's food don't have flavor?

Fertilizer destroy the flavor. Pesticide destroy the flavor. Genetically modified seed destroy flavor.

American't vegetable and fruit are cheaply growed with fertilizer, pesticide, genetic modified seed.

These junk food typically very giant, very cheap, has 
no flavor.

Children bored 2000s don't even know these food has no flavor. Because they never eat a real fruit, a real vegetable, with real flavor. 

Only older generation know today's food has no flavor, new generatiaon grows up with no flavor food, they don't aware of today's food has no flavor. 


Government policy let farmer grow cheap genetic modified plant by cheap method such fertilizer, pesticide to make profit. 

Plenty of cheap food has been produced, unfortunately they all have no flavor. 


This remind me something in GIS,  has similar situation. 


Experience builder, web appbuilder, instant appbuilder, story maps, these out of box product is like ultro-processed food and American's food. 


Experience builder, web appbuilder, instant apps, story maps, these apps are cheaply made for example, you can create a experience builder app by just a few click in 10 minutes. 

But these apps all looks the same, maybe only different in color or button position, except that, all looks the same. 


These apps are ESRI pre-processed pre-made, just like frozen dinner are pre-made. You use oven or microwave to heat it up to eat. These apps are same, just a few click, a web map app is ready to use. 


These cheaply made apps has no flavor, they all come out of same template. Just like pre-made food, ultra-processed food is not health to you.


So what is healthy food, what is real food with real flavor?

Natural food, organic food, with home-made cooking method. 


In GIS world,  Experience builder, web appbuilder, instant apps, story maps, are industry processed cheap junk food.

What is home-made natual organic food with real flavor in GIS world?


All the GIS tools I made here is 100% home-made, organic, natural flavor.  

For example all google map based tools I made here don't even use Arcgis Javascript API. 


I only use Arcgis REST api with my own home made javascript.  Like some special restaurant, the chief only go to farmer's market to pick some local seasonal organic ingredient instead of early picked and gased fruit in supermarket.  Like these chief, I use my own 100% home made plain javascript to build maps. 

Each of my map is actually an unique art. 

I can only use real ingredient natural method to build real flavor in terms of real art. 


You can not make a real art from cheap industry pre-made ingredient such as experience builder, web appbuilder, instant apps, story maps. You can not make real flavor from these junk out of box cheap product. 


Some one argue they can customize these apps with developer edition. In fact, you have very limited capability to make customized widget. Change color and move things around is the max customized you can do with these pre-made junk product. 

By the way these junk product is cheaply made in ESRI Beijing team in China. Just like dollar tree stuff. If you customized just a little bit, you will encounter tons of error that no one can fix. You will just run into dead end. 



If you want to make real GIS tool, don't use these junk product. 


Don't even use Arcgis Javascript API. Since Arcgis javascript API has lots of pre-made javascript component. 

It could save you some time, save you some effort, while it limited your capability at the same time. 

No free lunch. You get some kind of convenience at the cost of freedom. 




All of ESRI's product use same CSS style, that is why all ESRI's button looks same, you can tell whether it is ESRI's product by just look at the button.  

If you want to make real art, don't use these pre-made CSS style, including ESRI's style, boostrap, materializedCSS, long list of third party CSS style. 

I don't use any of these CSS style in

That make my tool unique and versatile at the same time. 


Don't use Arcgis javascript API, use Arcgis REST api instead give you the max capability. 


Even some time you have to use Arcgis javascript API, 

don't use its pre-made javascript component for example feature layer, map image layer, etc... 


Instead, use plain javascript to call Arcgis REST api to get what you want. Pre-made js component save you some effort at the cost of limit your capability. 



Why all above bad things happen like that?

P - r - o - f - i - t


Government policy make farmer grow cheap produces for profit

Government policy make food industry make toxic ultra-processed junk food for profit

It is so sad to see all these american ultra-processed junk food are supplied in every school, every hospital, every prison. That leaves these people have no choice.    

No one is starving like in 18 century, government don't have to make these cheap, toxic, industry processed, 5 to 10 thousands chemical addictive added, food for plenty.

We need healthy food in 21 century to lives longer as diseases free.  

US Government must make changes now, like in Argentina, Brizil, every coca cola bottle, every cereal box labeled big black stop sign as Government warning like you see on cigarette box.  Warning sign is even bigger than logo. 
































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