The biggest difference 

in my eyes is 

experience builder gives you a little bit more flexbility in terms of layout



allow you move bigger component such as panel component ( legend panel, layer panel ... etc ), map component around



In old web appbuilder, map component is fixed after you choose a layout template. 



Now with experience builder, even after you choose a template, you still can resize or move around map component. 




In old web appbuilder, layer component is not panel, it is a icon button, when you click it, it expand to a panel. When you click again, toggle it collapse the layer panel. 




In new experience builder, old expandable toggle component still available, but added a new non-expandable, re-sizable, movable layer panel component. 

The same thing happen on legend component. 




These improvement give you a little bit freedom in terms of positioning layer, legend widget. 




Widget and component is interchangable term here, ESRI called it widget.





Sample of experience builder









Sample of web appbuilder



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