Following steps will test and micro-adjust the search widget to make it better



Step 1

save and open published map











Step 2

where to find sample apn, run SQL query, these apn are all have active water bill account with city. Pick any one to test



Step 3

test a apn number























Step 4













Step 5

search result will be highlighted and auto zoom to, but it does not highlighted here, also parcel boundary line is dissappeared. See following steps, step 7 to fix this issue.











Step 6

drag and drop these display fields to adjust the order, for example, I want apn appear after street number and street name

















Step 7

Why I don't see parcel boundary line when I zoom in to house level? It is because I previously use parcel-basemap. I should use parcel-imagery.















Step 8

Why only search apn works while search street number and street name does not works?

It is because I should use full parcel address field instead of separated street number and street name previously.
















Step 9

ESRI bug found

when search multiple key words, for example, 15103 TURQUOISE, 

ESRI should split it into 2 key words then search each key words. But ESRI simply search the whole as 1 key words. The problem is space between street number and street name matters now. Because of my parcel source has 2 space between street number and street name, if user search street number + 1 space + street name, will not get result.  It should, this is ESRI bug not fixed in experience builder. 











Step 10

while you type 2 space betreet street number and street name, it works, is because in my source parcel layer, it is use 2 space between. 

but ESRI should let it works with any number of space between, this is bug.














Step 11















Step 12

there are 2 here, because first 1 is highlighted feature, second one is the one you are looking for. This is another ESRI bug, should not show highlighted, only show 2nd one. 











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