2024 released new HRSA's UDS mapper replica
Build with Experience builder ( jimu package = React + bootstrap 4 + arcgis js api v4.27 )
Warning: due to experience builder's limitation, new UDS mapper can not implement some of major function that was in original one. New one is only partially replace the original one. The limitation is not set by developer, it is set by experience builder itself software design.
Experience builder let you build quickly by use widget while compromising your freedom a little bit. So you use your freedom to trade off some convenience, is it worth? It depends on what you need. If you don't need freedom, whatever experience builder gives is good enough for you than you choose it. Otherwise your expectation beyond experience builder can provide you, then don't use it. Use low level api will give you more freedom while you need more coding. Experience builder is high level api, Arcgis JS api v4.28 is lower level api, arcgis REST API is the lowest api. If you only use REST api, you will have max freedom. JS api v4.28 has medium level freedom, inside js api, some component is lower api, some component is higher api, you have to choose the right one for you. Experience builder is highest level api with lowest freedom.
Experience builder actually called arcgis js api v4.28 underneath
js api v4.28 actually called Arcgis REST api underneath
So Arcgis REST api is the lowest api you can use with max freedom
For example all the following feature that found in original one are not be able to replica in experience builder. The reason is you can't bind mouse click event in experience builder directly, you can only bind mouse event to a tool button in experience builder.
1. select multiple service area,
2. continuing single select,
3. de-select ( remove ) service area by click on map (more intuitive way to remove service area).
4. Select single service center,
5. select multiple service center,
6. show the service area covered by selected service center
7. show the overlapped service area if you select more than one service center nearby
8. show the most overlapped service area if you select more than 2 service center nearby, for example, some area covered by 3 nearby service center.
Original uds mapper v3.x
still using Arcgis Javascript API v3.x.
ArcGIS API 3.x for JavaScript will be retired on July 1, 2024.
Why UDS is unique in the world ? Becaue UDS allows users to visualize where Health Center Program patients live, showing what areas are well served and what areas may need additional resources. The UDS also contains social determinants of health and population health outcomes data that may highlight potential need for health services.
Original UDS launched in 2010, still using Arcgis Javascript API v3.x, ArcGIS API 3.x for JavaScript will be retired on July 1, 2024. (click to see ESRI announcement) I am re-developing UDS mapper with Arcgis Javascript API v4.x.
Luckly all those missing major function from 1 to 8 was captured by me if I don't use experience builder.
You can find all those missing function in the following links with arcgis js api v4.28
A. browser-client-side rendering v4.x
A.2 native(ArcPro build-in) color and label https://transparentgov.net/json2tree/datahub.io/uds/uds_data.html?symbolType=native&labelType=native
Plan B.
arcgis-server-side rendering v4.x https://transparentgov.net/json2tree/datahub.io/uds/uds_image.html
B.2 native(ArcPro build-in) color and label