The benefit of hash line:

With hash line, you can easily tell where the polygon overlap by identify the thicker hash line if overlapped. 


Default color is solid color, sometimes, user don't want go into complicated color symbol system. 

User only want to know where is public land, where is not. 

User don't care about whether this piece of public land is owned by federal or owned by state, or by county, 

By using this tool, allow user to re-painting re-drawing as hash line.







The drawback of color symbol system:

because of 

color 1 + color 2 = completely new color you don't expected. 

It is very difficult to tell whether polygon overlapped or not if using color symbol system. 

By looking at this picture, can you tell me where land overlapped? where land owned by multiple federal agencys?

It is hard, right ?


If you don't change anything.

This is what by default color symbol system looks like, too much color, too complicated for public user. 

Public user don't know which color means what, don't care who own the land, just want to know whether it is public land or not.








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