All nation's healthcare resource is on this map, all hospital, medical center, doctor, dentist, etc.... everything is on this map, you just can't find them. 

These maps are way too hard to use, you have to join their free training class to learn. 

Come on, public user don't have time, don't have patient, don't have chance to join your free training class. 


Public use just want to come here search for a doctor name and know what hosptial or medical center he link to. So simple request can't be done easily in any of current hrsa online map.



 User want something like google search button on Google map. 

For example I want to know where and what time is nearby farmer market, I go to google map, just search farmer marke near me, I will find it. No traning class needed at all. NO ESRI non-sense button, non-sense widget. Just a simple search button will do the job. 


Obviously none of HRSA's map allow you to do that. 



This is most comprehensive healthcare geo database.






Here is all Official HRSA maps

None of them have a google search like button to let. you quickly get what you want. 



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