Too many times city empolyee from other departments ask me to add google street view to ESRI map. Because they use google street view to check lots of things, such as bike lane pavement availability, house number range, street lighting pole type, etc....
Intuitively they want me to add google street view to all ESRI map, so they don't have to switch between ESRI map and google map.
I actually don't know how.
But there is alternative way to that
see this sample US college and university layer, google street view and ESRI data show on same screen, you don't need to switch screen between google map and ESRI map.¢er_lat=37.19997157087345¢er_long=-80.40640576520535¢er_zoom=18&
2 way to turn on google street view
option 1:
click street view button to turn on, click again to turn off
option 2:
click-and-drag pegman place on any where on map will automatically turn on street view
So far, you can only view ESRI data with Google Street view or Microsoft Street view.