This is structure of Esri hosted Arcgis server (REST api endpoint). Only feature server, no map service allowed for esri hosted service
https://services[0 to 9]<Organization ID>/arcgis/rest/services/[Feature Service Name]/FeatureSe...
organization ID placed right after
When you google search arcgis rest service, you can found lots of URL like this below. These mix of letter and number long string is arcgis online organization ID.

These ID does not tell you who is owner, if you can find the organization short name behind these ID, then you know the owner. These red part are
hub-site-name plus organization-short-name

Hub url does tell you everything see my other post:
Now if you want to reverse the finding, I means, you know organization ID by google search, you want to know their hub url or organization short name,
First try google search organization id,
Google don't index organization id, so you get nothing here

After you pay ESRI $50k per year, esri give you a organization short name. How many organization ESRI currently have ?
Just look at Arcgis Hub site. How many arcgis hub site they have give you a idea how many organization ESRI have, how many customer ESRI have. It was less than 10k before 2018, now it is 25k hub site, 25k organization, 25k customer should be. Now, ESRI maintain all 25k organization(customer) including org-id, org-short-name, and hub-site-url everything in one single place, that is You could find any organization id through, then you know organization full name, short name, everything.
Try to search a organization id "orgId": "Ug5xGQbHsD8zuZzM",
However, hub site does not provide search organization id service.
Hub site only provide search organization full name service.
try to search organization name:
"orgName": "Georgia Association of Regional Commissions",

You found it, second result is.
organization id
"orgId": "Ug5xGQbHsD8zuZzM",
"orgName": "Georgia Association of Regional Commissions",
Actually means same customer, same organization:

Now you know how to look up organization full name by given organization id, see this list, there are a lots of url have not found owner yet, now you can found their owner by my method.