A sample of mixed line and point in a single geojson file, can be download here  https://transparentgov.net/data/sample/geojson/linePointMix.geojson


Google map - single geojson with mixed line and point for Santa Monica, California (open in a new tab)


Mapbox - single geojson with mixed line and point for Santa Monica, California (open in a new tab)


ESRI Geojson Limitations:  

  • Each GeoJSONLayer will only accept one geometry type. If there are multiple types of geometries, only the type specified in geometryType will be loaded. If geometryType is not specified, it will default to the geometry type of the first geometry. 
  • You can only see point but not line in this mixed line/point geojson file on ESRI Map. The same geojson file, you can see both line and point on Google Map and Mapbox. 

ESRI map - single geojson with mixed line and point for Santa Monica, California (open in a new tab)



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