How to identify composite locator

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Single locator example open in a new tab



This composite locator combine the street locator and parcel locator and use parcel locator as priority. If they can't find in parcel locator they will continue search on street locator.  For example 79191 Kara is a non-exist address, they can't find it on parcel locator, then continue search on street locator, found result. open in a new tab


This composite locator combine the street locator and parcel locator and use parcel locator as priority. If they can't find in parcel locator they will continue search on street locator.  For example 79190 Kara is a real address. Composite locator found result on both parcel locator and street locator. You can see there are 2 results, one from parcel locator, one from street locator. 

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Composite locator sample

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How to create composite locator





How to publish composite locator to geocode server





How to use locator in ArcMap ( method 1 )

How to use locator in ArcMap ( method 2 )







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