ultra-processed food is killing you


Why US food has no flavor???


Transparentgov is a GIS tool maker.  

It amplify human's capabilities to explore any government GIS asset. 

It is like the bike to let you use less effort to move longer distance. This free tool convert Arcgis REST api endpoint to meaningful google map, bing map, apple map etc with 100+ type of special viewers. How to use this free tool ?  Click here



Created in Southern California by Joe hu since 2014  

huguowen@gmail.com, 310-710-6501


All Data are Location Based 

The more is less The less is more   Simple is beauty   

If I can't explain something in the simplest manner, that means I don't truly understand it. 

I am trying to use simplest manner to explain to you how arcgis platform works


          The first Google Map Apps I made was in 2007. When I was a graduate student in Idaho State University GIS master program in Geoscience Department Professor Dan Ames who is Co-Founder of MapWindow He offered me a position on his hydrological mapping project founded by National Science Foundation (NSF) I use Google Maps and hydrological REST service to create my first google map apps to show all the US hydrological monitoring site live data


           In 2008, Frank Robert (CDA Tribe GIS manager) offered me a positon at Coeur d’Alene Tribe in Plummer, Idaho. Frank is the creator of "meta-data editor plugin" in ArcMap.


           In 2010, I moved to Southern California due to a job offer by Michael(Mike) Tupper. He is GIS manager at Southern California Edison. He designed the company's power distribution GIS system using smallworld GE.

行到水穷处 坐看云起时

           In 2013, Jim Liu( IT manager), Steve Ely (IT director) in City of Costa Mesa offered me a position. Transparentgov.net borned. First google maps based model, model "0" developed. Model 0 first time let user browse arcgis REST api on google maps. 


             In 2017, Vandergriff Greg (Manager) in City of Los Angeles Public Work Department and Neumann Nathan (GIS principle) offered me a position. Transparentgov.net developed into its primitive form.

  Los Angeles City GIS asset click here    or search "angeles" at home page 

不断拷问自己,是不是了无私心, 如果做到了动机至善,了无私心,那么,就不必考虑结果,一定会取得成功

              La Quinta GIS asset click here or search "quinta" at home page


              USGS PAD project GIS asset click here or search "pad" at home page


            HRSA GIS asset click here or search "hrsa" at home page


             Palm Springs GIS asset click here or search "palm" at home page


           Victorville GIS asset click here or search "victorville" at home page











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