All Data are Location Based 

The more is less The less is more  

Simple is beauty


Created in Southern California by Joe hu 

since 2014,, 310-710-6501

From the  point of consumer's view, FREE IS THE BEST !

Let's make the BEST, completely FREE, no license required for any type of use. 

Feel free to copy paste source code to anywhere. why transparentgov is open sourced from day 1 borned

Why I make this website ?

       Making a better world !  In US open land, there are always some unknow people cuting a new trail through the bush or clearing the existing trails over the years. Without these unknow people's years after years free work, you and me will not be able to explore those wildness mountain area. Same idea, I am cutting the bush cutting the trail for eveyone for free.  With my free work, everyone can have better tools to explore the government GIS world. I am not the only one, not the first one who doing that.  Joe Elfelt, seattle, WA creator of is ahead of me. He first collect inital 1k toward 5k now government arcgis REST api endpoint link over the past 20 years. His work is ground-breaking, a new trail to a new world just opened. In 2018, only has handful goverment resource. I was eagerly looking for more government gis endpoint. I google search found him and his 1k listing at the time in 2018. I immediately download and import into Everyone can instantly explore 1k government gis data through Both of us are trail cutter but in different ways. He see his role as finding and maintaining arcgis server list. I see my role as making a good tool to explore gis data through his list. To explore a new world, you need both of us. First you go to his website  to find the link(arcgis server endpoint), then you go to my website How to use to explore


A little bit history:

          The first Google Map Apps I made was in 2007. When I was a graduate student in Idaho State University GIS master program in Geoscience Department Professor Dan Ames who is Co-Founder of MapWindow He offered me a job on his hydrological mapping project founded by National Science Foundation (NSF) I use Google Maps and hydrological REST service to create my first google map apps to show all the US hydrological monitoring site live data

           In 2008, Frank Robert (CDA Tribe GIS manager) offered me a job at Coeur d’Alene Tribe in Plummer, Idaho. Frank is the creator of "meta-data editor plugin" in ArcMap.

           In 2010, I moved to Southern California due to a job offer by Michael(Mike) Tupper. He is GIS manager at Southern California Edison. He designed the company's power distribution GIS system using smallworld GE.

           In 2013, Jim Liu( IT manager), Steve Ely (IT director) in City of Costa Mesa offered me a job. borned. First google maps based model, model "0" developed. Model 0 first time let user browse arcgis REST api on google maps. 

             In 2017, Vandergriff Greg (Manager) in City of Los Angeles Public Work Department and Neumann Nathan (GIS principle) offered me a job. developed into its primitive form.


City of Los Angeles CA

  Los Angeles City Public Work BOE NavigateLA  

Los Angeles City Building Safety LADBS buildLA (part 1)

Los Angeles City Building Safety LADBS buildLA (part 2)

Los Angele City Planning Zoning Zimas


Los Angeles County CA

Los Angeles County GIS asset

City of La Quinta CA

 La Quinta GIS asset click here 


United States Geological Survey (USGS)

              US open land database, brought to you by USGS PAD project. 


Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)

            US Medicare Medicaid GIS database, brought to you by HRSA 


City of Palm Springs CA

             Palm Springs GIS asset click here 


City of Victorville CA

           Victorville GIS asset click here 


Caltrans California DOT department of transportation

caltrans rebuildca California department of transportation gis asset


Arizona Department of Health Service AZ 

Arizona Department of Health Service gis asset az click here


LAUSD Los Angeles unified school district CA

LAUSD Los Angeles unified school district CA gis asset click here


City of Glendale AZ Arizona

City of Glendale AZ Arizona gis asset click here


USDA department of agriculture

                      USDA department of agriculture






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